Reviews | RH-002 | WANDA LUZZATO | Jenő Hubay’s pupil
March 2019 | Rob Cowan | GRAMOPHONE (pg. 98-99) | Rhine gold: an archive treasure trove «Rob Cowan welcomes a historic label that has unearted some remarkable treasures. -- [...] Wanda Luzzato playing most reminded me, in its intellectual rigour and seductive warmth, of Adolf Busch [...] persuasive playing in a unique context. Magical is the word. [...] » |
ROTY-2017 | December 2017 | MusicWeb International | Recordings Of The Year 2017 : 1st nomination | Stephen Greenbank (page 13) «The metaphor about the two buses definitely applies here. Until this year I'd never heard of the violinist Wanda Luzzato, probably because she never made any commercial recordings. Then, in the space of two months, two sets of live airings come along, a double CD set and this more substantial 8 CD box from Rhine Classics. For violin aficionados like myself, this is a rare treat. Full Review» 2nd nomination | Jonathan Woolf (page 27) «Rhine Classics is a label devoted to rare and historic material and has made an excellent start to what looks like being a splendid stable of recordings. Wanda Luzzato is the subject of an 8-CD box made all the more valuable because the pupil of the great pedagogue Hubay never made a single studio recording. This lovingly presented box provides irrefutable of her status as one of Italy’s greatest string players. Full Review» |
4☆☆☆☆ | September 2017 | Carlo Bellora | MUSICA No.289 (p. 100-103) | Wanda Luzzato «Questo splendido cofanetto si apre con una delle migliori interpretazioni di Wanda Luzzato, il "Concerto per violino" di Ciaikovski, suonato con l'Orchestra della RAI di Milano diretta da Efrem Kurtz il 25 marzo 1960. [...] Violinista dal suono possente, con le rotondità del suo splendido Guadagnini. [...] Tra tutte queste splendide incisioni svettano i "3 Canti" di Pizzetti, ma soprattutto "La Fontaine di Arethuse" (di Szymanowski) che dà modo alla violinista di far emergere il prorompente violinismo trascendentale, che si coniuga ad una sensibilissima musicalità [...]» |
4 Diapason | 29 September 2017 | Jean-Michel Molkhou | DIAPASON No.661 (p. 130-131) | Wanda Luzzato «[...] Il suffit d'entendre la première phrase de la Sonate en ré mineur de Schumann pour réaliser quelle intense poésie habitait son jeu. Le sens donné aux phrasés force l'admiration, tant par la richesse de l'imagination que par cette art de faire "parler" les notes ... un peu alla Menuhin. [...] L'imposant coffret de Rhine Classics a l'avantage d'un généreux livret (pourvu d'une impressionante collection de photographies) et d'un panorama plus vaste sur l'art de cette violoniste italienne mêlant concertos, sonates et miniatures. En publiant des documents provenant de la propre collection de l'artiste, incluant des répétitions, des bandes radio et des enregistrements live, forcément disparates mais tous méticulesement restaurés, il représente une somme de travail qui, en ces temps de projets faciles ou bâclés, mérite le respect. [...] » |
31 August 2017 | Jean-Charles Hoffelé | ARTAMAG' - Focus - Le disque du jour | Wanda Luzzato, une oublieé du disque « [...] 25 mars 1960, Efrem Kurtz enflamme dans la Grande Salle du Conservatoire Giuseppe Verdi l’Orchestre Symphonique de la RAI de Milan pour un des plus somptueux Concerto pour violon de Tchaikovski qu’il m’ait été donné d’entendre. [...] Rhine Classics regroupe ici tous les gravures réalisées pour la RAI. [...] Tout l’album est à thésauriser, jusqu’aux précieux disques qui reproduisent ses sessions de travail, jusqu’aux ultimes enregistrements en janvier 1979. Emilio Pessina, qui a fait avec ce premier volume une vraie œuvre d’art – l’iconographie est aussi abondante que le texte de notice passionnant – nous doit un second volume d’autres radios conservent des merveilles: le Concerto de Glazounov, la 7e Sonate de Beethoven à Paris avec André Collard, les archives de Bâle (Troisième Sonate de Grieg) veulent être révélés. » |
12 June 2017 | Victor Eskenasy | Suplimentul de Cultura No.569 | Wanda Luzzato: A precocious talent, becoming a great accomplished artist «Not long ago, opening the second set of discs of the collection "The Art violin", published for label Rhine Classics (RH-002) by two great enthusiasts of violin in Italy, Gianluca La Villa and Emilio Pessina, I had the surprise to discover George Enescu and his signature in two photos of the booklet. The set is dedicated to the violonist, today almost forgotten, WANDA LUZZATO, according to the subtitle - which takes her professor's statement - "Jenö Hubay's most talented pupil after [Franz von] Vecsey." The eight CDs bring out for the first time the "unpublished recordings 1955-1979", remastered by Emilio Pessina in 24bit/96Khz.» |
June 2017 | Jonathan Woolf | MusicWeb International | Wanda Luzzato «Bravo to all concerned for this loving, extensive and rewarding box. A second release to be devoted to the art of Italian violinist Wanda Luzzato and it appears as an 8-CD box in the second volume of Rhine Classics’s exciting new "The Art of Violin" series. This outstanding box comes with a particularly, indeed conspicuously excellent 32-page booklet, with commentary by Gianluca La Villa. The tapes existed in various states [...] with restoration process completed by the remastering of Emilio Pessina.» |
June 2017 | Trinax Chou | AudioArt Vol.345 | Wanda Luzzato «This is my top recommended historical recording in this year. In my opinion, “historical recording” not only should present the playing style for the specific era, but also should find the best artist and best playing from that era. Wish more musical lovers can understand the efforts of Rhine Classics from this Luzzato’s box set. If you like this Luzzato’s set, the other publications from Rhine Classics (Aldo Ferraresi, Alfonso Mosesti, Jascha Heifetz) will also make you surprised. Rare recordings, fantastic artists, interesting works, all of my concerning points for “historical recordings” are fulfilled in Rhine Classics’ CDs.» |
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