Our releases are presented by Classic FM, France Musique, Vatican Radio, Deutschlandfunk, Radio Classica and by professional YouTube channels, among others ... 

25 April 2021 | Marina Chiche | France Musique - podcast | Mémoires d'Armenie (feat. Jean Ter-Merguerian)   Deux figures du grand répertoire, Aram Khatchatourian et Komitas sont aussi les compositeurs les plus célèbres d’Arménie. Komitas a sauvé de l’oubli de très nombreuses musiques traditionnelles arméniennes, et Khatchatourian a introduit des danses et des thèmes populaires dans ses oeuvres. (Rhine Classics RH-016).
23 March 2021 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | IL PIANISTA | Pietro Scarpini - BACH discovered tapes    Al Bach di Pietro Scarpini, uno dei più grandi pianisti italiani del Novecento, è dedicato oggi “Il pianista”. Presenta Luca Ciammarughi. (Rhine Classics RH-017)
31 January 2021 | Marina Chiche | France Musique - podcast | Cordes sensibles | Hommage à Jean Ter-Merguerian    Superbe virtuose, Jean Ter-Merguerian était un violoniste dont le jeu alliait couleur et expression. Nous l’écoutons dans des oeuvres de Khatchatourian, Brahms et Sarasate. Un coffret de ses enregistrements de concerts est récemment paru (Rhine Classics RH-016).  Dire que Jean Ter-Merguerian était élève de David Oistrakh ne résume pas son jeu, il n’avait rien d’un clone du grand maitre soviétique. Sa version du concerto de Khatchatourian, qu’il avait joué sous la direction du compositeur, est exceptionnelle. Il mettait sa virtuosité au service de la plus grande expressivité. De plus, il avait une véritable science des doigtés et une palette infinie de couleurs sonores.

26 January 2021 | Christoph Schlüren YouTube channel | VIDEO | Reviewing Franco Gulli Anthology Rhine Classics (RH-005 | incl. Ghedini, Celibidache, Schoeck, Busoni)   Christoph Schlüren stellt die unter Umgehung der restriktiven EU-Copyrights in Taiwan hergestellte und von Rhine Classics direkt beziehbare 11-CD-Box 'Franco Gulli ReDiscovered' vor, auf welcher dieser überragende italienische Geiger des 20. Jahrhunderts u.a. mit Konzerten von Beethoven (Op. 61 und Tripelkonzert), Bach, Mozart, Paganini (Nr. 1, 2, und 5), Bartók (Nr. 2), Busoni, Schoeck, Prokofiev (Nr. 1), Lalo (Symphonie espagnole) sowie dem großen italienischen Meister Giorgio Federico Ghedini (1892-1965; Divertimento in Re maggiore und Contrappunti per tre archi e orchestra [mit seinen Triofreunden Bruno Giuranna und Giacinto Caramia]) zu hören ist. Aufnahmen von einsamer Klasse, wie auch die Kammermusik, die er überwiegend mit seiner Frau, der Pianistin Enrica Cavallo aufgenommen hat: beide Busoni-Sonaten, Ned Rorem, Debussy Sonate, Chausson (Concert und Poème), Bloch, Ravel, Vieuxtemps, Mozart, Schubert, Respighi (Sonate) und Bachs Chaconne. An Dirigenten wirken neben Sergiu Celibidache Ernest Bour, Ferdinand Leitner, Lovro von Matacic, Mario Rossi, Nino Sanzogno, Aldo Ceccato, Massimo Pradella etc. mit. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei Ghedini, ein Komponist, den jeder kennen sollte und noch kaum jemand kennt. Die vom italienischen Geigerpapst Emilio Pessina zusammengestellte, klanglich phänomenal aufbereitete und produzierte Box ist von unbezahlbarer Qualität, und dies zu einem erstaunlich freundlichen Preis. Nicht nur für Geiger eine unbedingte Empfehlung. [DE]

Christoph Schlüren presents the 11-CD box 'Franco Gulli ReDiscovered', produced in Taiwan and directly available from Rhine Classics, on which this outstanding Italian violinist of the 20th century, among others with concerts by Beethoven (Op. 61 and Triple Concerto), Bach, Mozart, Paganini (No. 1, 2, and 5), Bartók (No. 2), Busoni, Schoeck, Prokofiev (No. 1), Lalo (Symphonie espagnole ) as well as the great Italian master Giorgio Federico Ghedini (1892-1965; Divertimento in Re maggiore and Contrappunti per tre archi e orchestra - with his trio friends Bruno Giuranna and Giacinto Caramia-). Recordings of a lonely class, as well as the chamber music, which he recorded mainly with his wife, the pianist Enrica Cavallo: both Busoni sonatas, Ned Rorem, Debussy sonatas, Chausson (Concert and Poème), Bloch, Ravel, Vieuxtemps, Mozart, Schubert, Respighi (Sonata) and Bach's Chaconne. In addition to Sergiu Celibidache, Ernest Bour, Ferdinand Leitner, Lovro von Matacic, Mario Rossi, Nino Sanzogno, Aldo Ceccato, Massimo Pradella etc. also work on conductors. A special focus is Ghedini, a composer everyone should know and hardly anyone knows. The box, put together and produced by the Italian "violin-expert" Emilio Pessina, with a phenomenal sound, is of priceless quality, and at an amazingly affordable price. An absolute recommendation not only for violinists. [EN]

19 January 2021 | Jed Distler | The Classical Network - podcast | Between The Keys | Episode 0291 "More Well Tempered Pianists"  For Episode 291 of the ASCAP Deems Taylor/Virgil Thomson Award winning program Between the Keys, The Classical Network’s Artist-in-Residence Jed Distler features a wide variety of pianists in selections from Books One and Two of J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier. “The 48 Preludes and Fugues not only are the foundation of piano music,” says Distler, “they also embody the full gamut of emotions, and always convey a sense of order, which is something we so desperately need in these challenging days.” The pianists will include Ramin Bahrami, Maurice Cole, Bernard Roberts, Yvonne Lefebure, Piotr Anderszewski, Alexandra Papastefanou, Pietro Scarpini, Wilhelm Backhaus, Edna Stern, David Korevaar and Maria Yudina. (Rhine Classics RH-017)
22 December 2020 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | IL PIANISTA | Sergio Fiorentino - live in USA (parte 1)  "Incredible publication to say the least. Box of the Year!"   Oggi “Il pianista” presenta la prima di una serie di puntate dedicate a un box Rhine Classics eccezionale, che vede riunite le incisioni statunitensi di Sergio Fiorentino negli anni 1996-97-98. Lo commenta Luca Ciammarughi. Partiremo da brani di Bach / Busoni / Fiorentino, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Johann Strauss II / Godowsky...e un po’ di Chopin. | Today “Il pianista” presents the first of a series of episodes dedicated to an exceptional Rhine Classics box, which brings together the American recordings of Sergio Fiorentino in the years 1996-97-98. Luca Ciammarughi comments. We will start with pieces by Bach / Busoni / Fiorentino, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Johann Strauss II / Godowsky ... and a bit of Chopin. (Rhine Classics RH-015)
4 September 2020 | Les Nuits de France Musique : Webradios du vendredi 04 septembre 2020 | Ludwig van Beethoven | Jascha Heifetz : The Legendary Los Angeles Concerts | 2CD Rhine Classics (RH004) Année 2017
19 July 2020 | Marina Chiche | France Musique - podcast | Mon coeur est un violon | La pépiniere de Budapest : de soeurs d'Aranyi à Johanna Martzy  Après notre escale à St-Pétersbourg au début du XXe siècle dans la classe du grand pédagogue hongrois Leopold Auer, faisons un tour à Budapest chez un autre grand professeur hongrois Jenö Hubay. | Franz RIES Suite pour violon et piano n°3 op 34 : 5. Perpetuum mobile Robert SCHUMANN Sonate n°2 en ré min op.121 : 4. Bewegt | Wanda Luzzato, violon | Antonio Beltrami, piano (Rhine Classics RH-002)
30 June 2020 | Les Nuits de France Musique : Webradios du mardi 30 juin 2020 | Richard Strauss, Francesco Maria Veracini, Franz Ries | Wanda Luzzato : 1955-1979 Unreleased recordings / (8CD Rhine Classics RH-002) Année 2017
3 April 2020 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | RITRATTI | Sergio Fiorentino - Rachmaninoff complete solo piano works   Questa puntata di Ritratti è dedicata alla presentazione, con numerosi ascolti, dello splendido cofanetto "Sergio Fiorentino - Rachmaninoff - Complete Solo piano Works", edito da Rhine Classics.  /  This podcast of "Ritratti" is dedicated to the presentation, with numerous listenings, of the splendid box set "Sergio Fiorentino - Rachmaninoff - Complete Solo Piano Works", released by Rhine Classics. (Rhine Classics RH-006)
14 March 2020 | Philippe Cassard | France Musique - podcast | Portraits de famille | Un tour d'ItalieUn tour d’Italie Il y a bien sûr Pollini, Ciccolini et Michelangeli, monstres sacrés du piano. Mais l’Italie est la terre natale d’autres magnifiques artistes, certains moins connus de ce côté-ci des Alpes. Portraits de famille fait le point. | Sergei RACHMANINOV : 2ème Sonate en Si bémol min. op.36 | Sergio Fiorentino « live » à Naples en 1987 (Rhine Classics RH-006)
4 January 2020 | Les Nuits de France Musique : Webradios du samedi 04 janvier 2020 | Pietro Scarpini : Discovered tapes Busoni & Liszt / 6CD Rhine Classics (RH007) | Franco Gulli rediscovered / 11CD Rhine Classics (RH005) | Sergio Fiorentino : Rachmaninov Complete solo piano works live / (6CD Rhine Classics RH-006) Année 2018
6 October 2019 | Les Nuits de France Musique : Webradios du dimanche 06 octobre 2019 | Ludwig van Beethoven | Jascha Heifetz : The Legendary Los Angeles Concerts | (2CD Rhine Classics RH-004) Année 2017
16 June 2019 | Les Nuits de France Musique : Webradios du dimanche 16 juin 2019 | Richard Strauss, Francesco Maria Veracini, Franz Ries | Wanda Luzzato : 1955-1979 Unreleased recordings / (8CD Rhine Classics RH-002) Année 2017
5 June 2019 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | TOP-TEN | Franco Gulli | reDiscovered     «Top Ten è oggi dedicata a 10 ascolti da un fantastico box Rhine Classics che ci rivela l’arte del violinista Franco Gulli, fra i grandi del Novecento. / Today "Top-Ten" is dedicated to 10 listenings from a fantastic box by Rhine Classics which reveals the art of violinist Franco Gulli, one of the greatest of the XXth Century.» (Rhine Classics RH-005)
19 & 26 May 2019 | Gary Lemco | KZSU 90.1 FM - The Music Treasury |  Franco Gulli, Violinist, Part I & Part II  |  The Music Treasury celebrates the new Rhine Classics release of 11 CDs that capture Franco Gulli in concert. Host Gary Lemco shares memories of having met and interviewed Gulli in Atlanta, GA, after the Maestro had performed Bloch’s Baal Shem with the Atlanta Symphony under Louis Lane. (Rhine Classics RH-005)
15 May 2019 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | TOP-TEN | Pietro Scarpini - dal barocco al contemporaneo    A Top Ten, dieci ascolti selezionati dal cofanetto-rivelazione Rhine Classics dedicato a un grande pianista del Novecento: Pietro Scarpini. Trasmetteremo musiche di: Bach-Scarpini, Scarlatti, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Stravinsky, Dallapiccola, Villa-Lobos, Janáček. / "Top-Ten", presents ten listenings selected from the Rhine Classics 'revelation-box' dedicated to a great pianist of the XXth Century: Pietro Scarpini. We will broadcast music by: Bach-Scarpini, Scarlatti, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Stravinsky, Dallapiccola, Villa-Lobos and Janáček.
2 April 2019 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | IL PIANISTA | Sergio Fiorentino live in Taiwan     «Stasera “Il pianista” è dedicato a un’imperdibile pubblicazione dedicata a Sergio Fiorentino: un recital che l’immenso pianista napoletano tenne a Taipei nel maggio 1998. Ritorna alla luce grazie all’etichetta Rhine Classics, impegnata nella “Sergio Fiorentino Edition”. Musiche di Beethoven e Rachmaninov. / Tonight “Il pianista” is dedicated to an unmissable release dedicated to Sergio Fiorentino: a recital that the immense Neapolitan pianist held in Taipei in May 1998. He returns to light thanks to Rhine Classics label, engaged in the “Sergio Fiorentino Edition”. Listenings by Beethoven and Rachmaninov.»
15 January 2019 | Luca Ciammarughi | Radio Classica - podcast | IL PIANISTA | Pietro Scarpini - Mozart    A “Il Pianista” oggi ci dedichiamo a un grande interprete storico, Pietro Scarpini, finalmente pienamente valorizzato grazie alla riscoperta e il restauro di sue interpretazioni da parte dell’etichetta Rhine Classics. / At "Il Pianista" today we dedicate ourselves to a great historic interpreter, Pietro Scarpini, finally fully valued thanks to the rediscovery and restoration of his interpretations by Rhine Classics label.

15 June 2017 | Norbert Hornig | Deutschlandfunk (German Radio) - broadcast | Historische Aufnahmen | YouTube: Belcanto und virtuoses Feuer | Der Geiger Aldo Ferraresi    Man nannte ihn den „Gigli der Violine“, dennoch ist der Name Aldo Ferraresi heute kaum mehr ein Begriff. Ferraresi, 1902 in Ferrara geboren, gehörte zu den bedeutendsten italienischen Geigern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auf Empfehlung von Jan Kubelik studierte er noch bei Eugène Ysaye, der ihn als einen seiner besten Schüler bezeichnete. Ferraresi profilierte sich als Konzertmeister, Kammermusiker und Solist. Er konzertierte in vielen Ländern Europas, in Russland und den USA mit namhaften Dirigenten wie Hermann Scherchen, Hans Knappertsbusch, Artur Rodzinski und Carlo Maria Giulini. Auch als Violinpädagoge machte sich Ferraresi einen Namen, in späteren Jahren unterrichtete er am Konservatorium Niccolò Piccinni in Bari, das von Nino Rota geleitet wurde. Erst jetzt wird das diskografische Vermächtnis des Geigers wiederentdeckt. / He was called the "Gigli of the Violin", but the name Aldo Ferraresi is hardly remembered today. Ferraresi, born in Ferrara in 1902, was one of the most important Italian violinists of the XXth Century. On the recommendation of Jan Kubelik, he studied with Eugène Ysaye, who described him as one of his best students. Ferraresi made a name for himself as a concert master, chamber musician and soloist. He has given concerts in many European countries, in Russia and the USA with well-known conductors such as Hermann Scherchen, Hans Knappertsbusch, Artur Rodzinski and Carlo Maria Giulini. Ferraresi also made a name for himself as a violin teacher, in later years he taught at the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory in Bari, which was headed by Nino Rota. Only now his recorded legacy has been rediscovered. [DE / EN subtitles]

14 May 2017 | Keith Goodman | Radio Vaticana - broadcast | L'arpeggio hosted by Luigi Picardi | YouTube: Wanda LUZZATO & Aldo FERRARESI | the first Vatican Radio broadcast introducing our two releases dedicated to great italian violinists of the XXth Century: Aldo Ferraresi (18CD | RH-001) and Wanda Luzzato (8CD | RH-002). [ITA]